Monday, January 26, 2009

Ft. Lauderdale

I was just told by the Ft. Lauderdale water police to leave and never come back. How's that for hospitality? Wonder what the Chamber of Commerce would think? We had anchored in Lake Sylvia on Friday night. It's near the 17th Street Causeway and Bahia Mar Yachting Center off the Intercoastal Waterway (ICW). Seems there is an nonenforceable (it's contrary to Florida statute) city regulation saying one cannot anchor for more than 24 hours. The million dollar homes/taxpayers around the lake have spoken. We had engine trouble - the raw water pump on the starboard engine sprung a leak which I didn't have the expertise or specials tools to fix - and had to wait for a mechanic to come out on Monday. The Friday "cop" was flexible and understanding: difficult to maneuver on one engine; expensive at $187.50/day to go into a marina; etc. We were told that the city could not fine us nor tow us away, so we rented a car and went to Orlando (3 1/2 hours north) for four-person birthday birthday party in the "hood" (Barclay Ave. /Avern Ct. on Lake Orienta in Altamonte Springs) plus our two grand children's birthdays on Sunday. Yes, a good time was had by all over the weekend. At 0845 we awoke to be told "You are not welcome in Ft. Lauderdale." Oh, did I mention the "bad cop" called us in Orlando on Sunday to ream me out for leaving the boat unattended and over-time. He really wanted to give it to me in person even after reading the note we left him aboard explaining the situation. What a guy!

As soon as we are fixed, we're headed for Miami, then on to Bimini.


  1. The cops are much different in Miami. You won't have to worry about them making you leave, they'll just shoot a hole in the bottom of your boat, just kidding.....

    Can't wait to see you guys!! Richard & Shara

  2. Soooo, Where are you guys? You're not in jail, are you?
